Create Composable Overlays (hw)

This tutorial will show how to create a composable overlay from scratch using standard IP from the Vivado IP catalog. In particular, we will use

Create a Vivado project

Creating a new composable overlay starts like any other design hardware design for PYNQ, if you are not familiar with this process check out Tutorial: Creating a hardware design for PYNQ

In this case we will target the Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit, note that we will use Vivado 2020.2.2 (first release that supports the Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit)

  1. Create a New Project

  2. Click Next > in the first window

  3. Set Project name: to composable_filter (a); select the Project location: that is more appropriate for you (b); click Next > (c)

  4. Set the Project Type to RTL Project (d); check Do not specify sources at this time (e); click Next > (f)

  5. Set the Default Part, click on Boards (g); then select Kria KV260 Vision AI Started Kit (h); click Next > (i)

  6. Click Finish (j) on the Project Summary window

The animated GIF below shows these steps

Create a Block Design

  1. Under IP INTEGRATOR, click on create Block Design

  2. Set system as design name

Add Processing System

As we will be moving data from the ARM processor to the Programmable Logic add the Processing System (PS).

  1. In the Diagram tab (a) click the + symbol to add an IP (b)

  2. Search for zynq and select Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC (c)

  3. Run Block Automation (d) to configure the PS block with the default settings for the Kria KV260 Vision AI Started Kit

  4. Check All Automation (1 out of 1 selected) (e) and then click OK (f), the block is now configured (g)

Configure the PS

  1. Double click on the Processing System block, or right click on it and select Customize Block...

  2. In the Page Navigator, select the PS-PL Configuration (a)

  3. In the PS-PL Configuration pane (b), expand PS-PL Interfaces > Master Interfaces (c)

  4. Uncheck AXI HPM0 FPD and AXI HPM1 FPD then check AXI HPM0 LPD and make sure that the AXI HPM0 LPD Data Width is set to 32 (d)

  5. In the PS-PL Configuration pane expand PS-PL Interfaces > Slave Interfaces (e)

  6. Check AXI HP0 FPD and make sure that the AXI HP0 FPD Data Width is set to 128 (f)

  7. Click OK (g)

Add Direct Memory Access (DMA)

  1. Click the + button to add a new IP (a)

  2. Search for AXI Direct Memory Access (b)

  3. Double click on the AXI Direct Memory Access to configure the block

  4. Uncheck Enable Scatter Gather Engine (c)

  5. Set the Width of Buffer Length Register to 26 (d)

  6. Click OK (e)

  7. Modify the name of the DMA by selecting the block and then on the Block Properties window, on the left hand side, change the name to axi_dma

  8. Click Run Connection Automation (f)

  9. Check All Automation (2 out of 2 selected) (g) and then click OK (h)

  10. Click Run Connection Automation again

  11. Check All Automation (1 out of 1 selected) (i) and then click OK (j)

The result is shown below

For a comprehensive tutorial about the DMA block read this blog.

Add Interrupt Controller

As you may have noticed, the AXI Direct Memory Access has two interrupts, mm2s_introut and s2mm_introut. We need to connect these to the PS. pynq support multiple interrupts via an AXI Interrupt Controller. For more information check out the documentation

  1. Click the + button

  2. Search for AXI Interrupt Controller

  3. Rename the block to axi_intc

  4. Double click on the AXI Interrupt Controller module to configure it

  5. Change Interrupt Output Connection to Single and click OK

  6. Click Run Connection Automation

  7. Check All Automation (1 out of 1 selected) and then click OK

  8. Wire the axi_intc/irq pin to the zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/pl_ps_irq0 pin

  9. Add a Concat IP. By default this IP has to inputs and one output, this is exactly what we need

  10. Wire the axi_dma/mm2s_introut pin to any of the xlconcat_0 input pins, do the same for the axi_dma/s2mm_introut pin

  11. Wire the xlconcat_0/dout pin to the axi_intc/intr pin

The result is shown below

Make the Overlay Composable

With the basic infrastructure in place, it is high time we made this overlay composable.

There are two key characteristics of a composable overlay 1) it uses at least one AXI4-Stream Switch – configured to use control register routing– and 2) wrap the composable logic into a hierarchy. The instructions below describe the steps to accomplish this.

Add the AXI4-Stream Switch

  1. Click the + button to add a new IP

  2. Search for the AXI4-Stream Switch

  3. Double click on the AXI4-Stream Switch module to configure it

  4. Set the Number of slave interfaces to 6 (a)

  5. Set the Number of master interfaces to 6 (b)

  6. Set Use control register routing to Yes (c)

  7. In the Signal Properties section, enable TREADY and TLAST, disable TSTRB and TKEEP, set TDATA Width (bytes) to 4 (d)

  8. Click OK (e)

  9. Connect the axi_dma/M_AXIS_MM2S interface to the axis_switch_0/S03_AXIS interface

  10. Connect the axis_switch_0/M01_AXIS interface to the interface axi_dma/S_AXIS_S2MM

    Note that the connections to the AXI4-Stream Switch are arbitrary, you can change these connections if you wish

  11. Click Run Connection Automation

  12. Check All Automation (1 out of 1 selected) and then click OK

The result is shown below

Create Composable Hierarchy

  1. Right click on the AXI4-Stream Switch and then click on Create a Hierarchy…

  2. Use Cell name: filter

The result is shown below

Double click on the hierarchy to inspect it.

Add Filters

So far, we have added the AXI4-Stream Switch and created the hierarchy. Let’s now add the IP blocks that will be part of our composable scope. For this, we will use the standard Xilinx IP to implement Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters. If you are not familiar with FIR filters, all you need to know is that FIR filters are a way to remove unwanted components from a signal. In this tutorial we are going to instantiate four FIR filters: 1) low pass filter, 2) high pass filter, 3) pass band filter and 4) stop band filters. The configuration for these filters can be found in the appendix section.

To make this step easier we will use TCL commands. To execute these commands use the TCL console.

Copy and paste the following TCL commands on the TCL console.

set_property name axis_switch [get_bd_cells filter/axis_switch_0]
set filter_names "fir_lowpass fir_highpass fir_bandpass fir_stopband"
foreach fir ${filter_names} {
  set obj [create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv "filter/${fir}"]
  set_property -dict [ list \
   CONFIG.Coefficient_Fractional_Bits {0} \
   CONFIG.Coefficient_Reload {false} \
   CONFIG.Coefficient_Sets {1} \
   CONFIG.Coefficient_Sign {Signed} \
   CONFIG.Coefficient_Structure {Inferred} \
   CONFIG.Coefficient_Width {16} \
   CONFIG.DATA_Has_TLAST {Packet_Framing} \
   CONFIG.Data_Sign {Signed} \
   CONFIG.Data_Width {32} \
   CONFIG.M_DATA_Has_TREADY {true} \
   CONFIG.Output_Rounding_Mode {Truncate_LSBs} \
   CONFIG.Output_Width {32} \
   CONFIG.Quantization {Integer_Coefficients} \
 ] $obj
set_property -dict [ list CONFIG.CoefficientVector {-133, -375, -356, -559, -643, -731, -731, -650, -458, -153, 263, 772, 1348, 1949, 2532, 3048, 3453, 3712, 3800, 3712, 3453, 3048, 2532, 1949, 1348, 772, 263, -153, -458, -650, -731, -731, -643, -559, -356, -375, -133}] [get_bd_cells filter/fir_lowpass]
set_property -dict [ list CONFIG.CoefficientVector {1136, -1197, -580, -33, 438, 658, 461, -116, -762, -1015, -565, 480, 1532, 1774, 604, -1953, -5154, -7805, 23932, -7805, -5154, -1953, 604, 1774, 1532, 480, -565, -1015, -762, -116, 461, 658, 438, -33, -580, -1197, 1136}] [get_bd_cells filter/fir_highpass]
set_property -dict [ list CONFIG.CoefficientVector {195, 42, -82, -129, -41, -6, -269, -705, -710, 234, 1758, 2526, 1313, -1585, -4106, -3949, -708, 3427, 5298, 3427, -708, -3949, -4106, -1585, 1313, 2526, 1758, 234, -710, -705, -269, -6, -41, -129, -82, 42, 195}] [get_bd_cells filter/fir_bandpass]
set_property -dict [ list CONFIG.CoefficientVector {-1705, 2484, 232, -657, -484, 337, 1239, 1622, 1243, 449, 58, 737, 2347, 3809, 3706, 1322, -2668, -6410, 24833, -6410, -2668, 1322, 3706, 3809, 2347, 737, 58, 449, 1243, 1622, 1239, 337, -484, -657, 232, 2484, -1705}] [get_bd_cells filter/fir_stopband]

set axis_data_fifo [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv filter/axis_data_fifo ]
set_property -dict [ list CONFIG.HAS_TKEEP {0} CONFIG.HAS_TLAST {1} CONFIG.HAS_TSTRB {0} CONFIG.TDATA_NUM_BYTES {4} ] $axis_data_fifo

connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins filter/s_axi_ctrl_aclk] [get_bd_pins filter/axis_data_fifo/s_axis_aclk] [get_bd_pins filter/fir_bandpass/aclk] [get_bd_pins filter/fir_highpass/aclk] [get_bd_pins filter/fir_lowpass/aclk] [get_bd_pins filter/fir_stopband/aclk] [get_bd_pins filter/axis_switch/aclk]

connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins filter/s_axi_ctrl_aresetn] [get_bd_pins filter/axis_data_fifo/s_axis_aresetn]  [get_bd_pins filter/axis_switch/aresetn]

Four FIR compilers and one FIFO were added to the hierarchy, note that the manager and subordinates of these blocks are not connected. You can connect the managers and subordinates of these IP to any manager or subordinate of the AXI4-Stream Switch, for instance as shown below.

Generate Bitstream

Now that our composable overlay is ready, let’s generate the bitstream.

  1. Save Block Design by clicking on File > Save Block Design or CTRL + S

  2. Validate the Design by clicking on Tools > Validate Design or F6 or click this button

  3. Click OK on the pop up

  4. Generate the HDL wrapper, on the Sources window right clock on system and then select Create HDL Wrapper…

  5. In the Create HDL Wrapper window select Let Vivado manage wrapper and auto-update (a) then click OK (b)

  6. In the PROJECT MANAGER pane click Generate Bitstream

  7. Click Yes to launch synthesis and implementation

  8. Select Launch runs on local host (a) then click OK (b)

Default Path

In a composable overlay, a default path specifies the nodes that are source and sink in a design, this is consumer and producer. These default paths are annotated with the keyword [default] in the c_dict. In this tutorial the DMA connections define our default path. We will save information in a file with the same basename as the overlay plus _paths in this case fir_paths.json. This way the AXI4-Stream Switch gets automatically configured at the initialization.

    "filter": {
        "ps": {
            "ci": {
                        "port": 3,
                        "Description": "Stream In"
            "pi": {
                        "port": 1,
                        "Description": "Stream Out"

Get Composable overlay files

Copy the overlay files, both *.bit and *.hwh from the project and then move them to the Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit, along with the default path file.

After the bitstream is generated, run the following commands in the TCL console to copy the overlay files to root directory.

set prj_path [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]
exec cp ${prj_path}/composable_filter.runs/impl_1/system_wrapper.bit fir.bit
exec cp ${prj_path}/composable_filter.gen/sources_1/bd/system/hw_handoff/system.hwh fir.hwh

Get composable overlay on the board

Finally, get the composable overlay files onto the board. You need to copy

  • fir.bit

  • fir.hwh

  • fir_paths.json

  • tutorial.ipynb

These files can be found here

This step assumes that you have PYNQ up and running on the Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit. if this is not the case, follow the these instructions.

You can use scp or WinSCP to copy the files. However, the most convenient way is to directly drag and drop them from Jupyter Lab


This tutorial shows how to create a composable overlay from scratch using standard IP from the Vivado catalog. The composable overlay methodology it is not much different from the traditional overlay methodology. To create a composable overlay, you only need an AXI4-Stream Switch and a hierarchy to wrap the composable overlay. What is more, the capabilities of a composable overlay can be highly enhanced with DFX, however the DFX technology is outside the scope of this tutorial.

In the second part of this tutorial, Jupyter Notebook. We will explore our composable overlay directly from the KV260, and you will learn how to use it. You will notice that the Python API abstracts away the intricacies of the underlying hardware while providing maximum flexibility.


FIR Compiler Configuration

These filters were generated with

The Sampling Frequency (fs) is 44100 Hz for the filters and all the FIR filters are implemented using 37 taps.

Low Pass Filter





0 Hz

2,000 Hz


5 dB


22,050 Hz


-40 dB

High Pass Filter





0 Hz

5,000 Hz


-40 dB


22,050 Hz


3 dB

Band Pass Filter





0 Hz

3,000 Hz


-40 dB


7,000 Hz


3 dB


22,050 Hz


-40 dB

Band Stop Filter





0 Hz

1,000 Hz


5 dB


5,000 Hz


-40 dB


22,050 Hz


5 dB