Source code for pynq_composable.libs

# Copyright (C) 2021 Xilinx, Inc
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
import json
import os
from pynq import DefaultIP
from import CPU_ARCH, ZU_ARCH
import struct

__author__ = "Mario Ruiz"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Xilinx"
__email__ = ""

def _float2int(value: float) -> int:
    """Pack a single precision floating point into a 32-bit integer"""
    return int.from_bytes(struct.pack('f', np.single(value)), 'little')

    _cols = 1920
    _rows = 1080
    _cols = 1280
    _rows = 720

[docs]class VitisVisionIP(DefaultIP): """Generic Driver for Vitis Vision IP cores""" bindto = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', "", "", "", "", "", "", ] _rows_offset = 0x10 _cols_offset = 0x18 def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description)
[docs] def start(self): """Populate the image resolution and start the IP""" file = "/tmp/resolution.json" if os.path.exists(file): with open(file, "r", encoding='utf8') as f: reso = json.load(f) self._cols, self._rows = reso["width"], reso["height"] else: self._cols, self._rows = _cols, _rows self.write(self._rows_offset, int(self._rows)) self.write(self._cols_offset, int(self._cols)) self.write(0x00, 0x81)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the IP""" self.write(0x00, 0x0)
[docs] def status(self): return self.register_map.CTRL
@property def rows(self) -> int: """Image height""" return self._rows @rows.setter def rows(self, rows: int): if not isinstance(rows, int): raise ValueError("rows must an integer") elif rows < 0: raise ValueError("rows cannot be negative") self._rows = rows self.write(self._rows_offset, int(self._rows)) @property def cols(self) -> int: """Image width""" return self._cols @cols.setter def cols(self, cols: int): if not isinstance(cols, int): raise ValueError("cols must an integer") elif cols < 0: raise ValueError("cols cannot be negative") self._cols = cols self.write(self._cols_offset, int(self._cols))
[docs]class xvF2d(Enum): """Supported filter2D kernels""" identity = 0 edge_x = 1 edge_y = 2 edge = 3 sharpen = 4 sobel_x = 5 sobel_y = 6 scharr_x = 7 scharr_y = 8 prewitt_x = 9 prewitt_y = 10 gaussian_blur = 11 median_blur = 12
[docs]class Filter2d(VitisVisionIP): """Filter 2D Kernel""" bindto = [''] _size = 3 def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description) self._kernel = np.zeros((self._size, self._size), dtype=np.int16) self._kernel[(self._size // 2) + 1][(self._size // 2) + 1] = 1 self._quantize_error = 0 self._shift = 0 self._kernel_type = xvF2d.identity self._sigma = 1.0 def _gaussianBlur(self): """Compute a Gaussian kernel of a given size and sigma. Implementation based on """ kernel = np.zeros((self._size, self._size), dtype=float) for u in range(kernel.shape[0]): for v in range(kernel.shape[1]): uc = u - (kernel.shape[0] - 1) / 2 vc = v - (kernel.shape[1] - 1) / 2 g = np.exp( -(np.power(uc, 2) + np.power(vc, 2)) / (2 * np.power(self._sigma, 2)) ) kernel[u][v] = g return kernel / np.sum(kernel) def _medianBlur(self): kernel = np.ones((self._size, self._size), dtype=float) return kernel / np.sum(kernel) def _quantiseKernel(self, kernel, bit_width: int = 16, max_shift: int = 255): """Quantise the floating point kernel into integer taking into account the maximum element in the kernel """ max_value = np.max(kernel) scaling_max = (np.power(2, bit_width - 1)) / max_value shift_up = int(np.floor(np.log2(scaling_max))) scale_factor = np.power(2, shift_up) - 1 kernel_q = np.rint(kernel * scale_factor) self._quantize_error = (kernel * scale_factor) - kernel_q return kernel_q.astype(np.int16), shift_up @property def sigma(self): return self._sigma @sigma.setter def sigma(self, sigma): if not isinstance(sigma, (float, int)): raise ValueError("sigma must a number") self._sigma = float(sigma) if self._kernel_type == xvF2d.gaussian_blur: self._kernel, self._shift = \ self._quantiseKernel(self._gaussianBlur()) self._populateKernel() @property def kernel_type(self): return self._kernel_type @kernel_type.setter def kernel_type(self, kernel_type: xvF2d): if kernel_type not in xvF2d: raise ValueError("Kernel type unknown") self._shift = 0 if kernel_type == xvF2d.identity: self._kernel = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.edge_x: self._kernel = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 4, -1], [0, -1, 0]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.edge_y: self._kernel = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [0, 4, 0], [-1, 0, 1]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.edge: self._kernel = np.array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.sobel_x: self._kernel = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.sobel_y: self._kernel = np.array([[1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -1]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.sharpen: self._kernel = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 5, -1], [0, -1, 0]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.scharr_x: self._kernel = np.array([[3, 0, -3], [10, 0, -10], [3, 0, -3]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.scharr_y: self._kernel = np.array([[3, 10, 3], [0, 0, 0], [-3, -10, -3]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.prewitt_x: self._kernel = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.prewitt_y: self._kernel = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1]], dtype=np.int16) elif kernel_type == xvF2d.median_blur: self._kernel, self._shift = \ self._quantiseKernel(self._medianBlur()) self._shift -= 1 elif kernel_type == xvF2d.gaussian_blur: self._kernel, self._shift = \ self._quantiseKernel(self._gaussianBlur()) self._kernel_type = kernel_type self._populateKernel() def _populateKernel(self): kernel = \ self._kernel.reshape(self._kernel.shape[0] * self._kernel.shape[1]) aux = 0 populate = False for i in range(len(kernel)): if i % 2 == 0: aux = kernel[i] else: aux = ((np.uint32(kernel[i]) << 16) & 0xFFFF0000) + aux populate = True if populate or (i == len(kernel) - 1): self.write(0x40 + ((i // 2) * 4), int(aux)) aux = 0 populate = False self.write(0x20, int(self._shift))
[docs] def start(self): super().start() self._populateKernel()
[docs]class DuplicateIP(VitisVisionIP): """DuplicateIP driver""" bindto = [''] _rows_offset = 0x1EC _cols_offset = 0x1F4
[docs]class GaussianBlur(VitisVisionIP): """GaussianBlur""" bindto = [''] def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description) self.sigma = 1.0
[docs] def start(self): super().start() if self.sigma < 0.27: aux = 0.27 else: aux = self.sigma self.write(0x20, _float2int(aux))
[docs]class colorThreshold(VitisVisionIP): """Color Thresholding IP driver lower_thr and upper_thr are a numpy array, each row corresponds to a channel in the pixel. For RGB, row 0 is R, row 1 is G and row 2 is B For HSV, row 0 is H, row 1 is S and row 2 is V For XYZ, row 0 is X, row 1 is Y and row 2 is Z """ bindto = [''] def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description) self._lower_thr = np.array( [[22, 38, 160], [150, 150, 150], [60, 60, 60]], dtype=np.uint8 ) self._upper_thr = np.array( [[38, 75, 179], [255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255]], dtype=np.uint8 ) def _populateThreshold(self): lower = self._lower_thr.reshape( self._lower_thr.shape[0] * self._lower_thr.shape[1] ) upper = self._upper_thr.reshape( self._upper_thr.shape[0] * self._upper_thr.shape[1] ) aux = 0 for i in range(lower.shape[0]): shift = (i % 4) * 8 aux = (np.uint32(lower[i]) << shift) + aux if ((i + 1) % 4) == 0 or i == (len(lower) - 1): self.write(0x20 + (i // 4) * 4, int(aux)) aux = 0 aux = 0 for i in range(upper.shape[0]): shift = (i % 4) * 8 aux = (np.uint32(upper[i]) << shift) + aux if ((i + 1) % 4) == 0 or i == (len(upper) - 1): self.write(0x60 + (i // 4) * 4, int(aux)) aux = 0
[docs] def start(self): super().start() self._populateThreshold()
@property def lower_thr(self): """Set and retrieve lower threshold configuration""" return self._lower_thr @lower_thr.setter def lower_thr(self, threshold): if not isinstance(threshold, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("lower_thr expects a numpy ndarray as input") elif threshold.shape != self._lower_thr.shape: raise ValueError( "Shapes do not match, lower_thr expects a {} ndarray".format( self._lower_thr.shape ) ) self._lower_thr = threshold self._populateThreshold() @property def upper_thr(self): """Set and retrieve lower threshold configuration""" return self._upper_thr @upper_thr.setter def upper_thr(self, threshold): if not isinstance(threshold, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("upper_thr expects a numpy ndarray as input") elif threshold.shape != self._upper_thr.shape: raise ValueError( "Shapes do not match, upper_thr expects a {} ndarray".format( self._upper_thr.shape ) ) self._upper_thr = threshold self._populateThreshold()
[docs]class inRange(VitisVisionIP): """inRange""" bindto = [''] def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description) self.lower_thr = np.array([22, 150, 60], dtype=np.uint8) self.upper_thr = np.array([38, 255, 255], dtype=np.uint8)
[docs] def populateThreshold(self): lower = self.lower_thr upper = self.upper_thr aux = 0 for i in range(lower.shape[0]): shift = (i % 4) * 8 aux = (np.uint32(lower[i]) << shift) + aux if ((i + 1) % 4) == 0 or i == (len(lower) - 1): self.write(0x20 + (i // 4) * 4, int(aux)) aux = 0 aux = 0 for i in range(upper.shape[0]): shift = (i % 4) * 8 aux = (np.uint32(upper[i]) << shift) + aux if ((i + 1) % 4) == 0 or i == (len(upper) - 1): self.write(0x30 + (i // 4) * 4, int(aux)) aux = 0
[docs] def start(self): super().start() self.populateThreshold()
[docs]class Morphological(VitisVisionIP): """Erode and dilate""" bindto = [ '', '' ] def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description) self.kernel = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
[docs] def populateKernel(self): kernel = \ self.kernel.reshape(self.kernel.shape[0] * self.kernel.shape[1]) aux = 0 for i in range(len(kernel)): shift = (i % 4) * 8 aux = (kernel[i] << shift) + aux if ((i + 1) % 4) == 0 or (i == len(kernel) - 1): self.write(0x40 + ((i // 4) * 4), int(aux)) aux = 0
[docs] def start(self): super().start() self.populateKernel()
[docs]class Fast(VitisVisionIP): """Corner Detect, using Fast algorithm IP, python driver""" bindto = [''] _max_threshold = (2 ** 8) - 1 def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description) self._threshold = 20 @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @threshold.setter def threshold(self, threshold): if not isinstance(threshold, int): raise ValueError("threshold must be int") elif threshold > self._max_threshold: raise ValueError("threshold cannot be bigger than {}" .format(self._max_threshold)) self._threshold = threshold self.write(0x20, int(self._threshold))
[docs] def start(self): super().start() self.write(0x20, int(self._threshold))
def _convert_to_q0_16(v, maxval=(2 ** 16) - 1): vtmp = int(v * (2 ** 16)) return vtmp if vtmp <= maxval else maxval
[docs]class CornerHarris(VitisVisionIP): """Corner Detector, using Harris algorithm IP, python driver""" bindto = [''] _max_threshold = (2 ** 16) - 1 def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description) # set default threshold and k as per documentation self._threshold = 442 self._k = _convert_to_q0_16(0.04) @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @threshold.setter def threshold(self, threshold): if not isinstance(threshold, int): raise ValueError("threshold must be int") elif threshold > self._max_threshold: raise ValueError("threshold cannot be bigger than {}" .format(self._max_threshold)) self._threshold = threshold self.write(0x20, int(self._threshold)) @property def k(self): """Harris detector parameter""" return self._k @k.setter def k(self, k): if not isinstance(k, float): raise ValueError("k must be float") elif k > 1.0: raise ValueError("k must be between 0.0 and 1.0") self._k = _convert_to_q0_16(k) self.write(0x28, int(self._k))
[docs] def start(self): super().start() self.write(0x20, int(self._threshold)) self.write(0x28, int(self._k))
[docs]class xvLut(Enum): """Supported LUT kernels""" identity = 0 negative = 1 binary_threshold = 2 group_bin = 3 offset = 4 threshold = 5 random = 6
[docs]class PixelLut(VitisVisionIP): """Lut IP""" bindto = [''] def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description) self._lut = np.empty((3, 256), dtype=np.uint8) self.step = 8 self.offset = 32 self._shape = self._lut.shape self.kernel_type = xvLut.negative self._threshold = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 3, 3), dtype=np.uint8) def _negative(self): for c in range(self._shape[0]): for e in range(self._shape[1]): self._lut[c][e] = 255 - e def _identity(self): for c in range(self._shape[0]): for e in range(self._shape[1]): self._lut[c][e] = e def _binary_threshold(self): for c in range(self._shape[0]): for e in range(self._shape[1]): if e < 128: self._lut[c][e] = 0 else: self._lut[c][e] = 255 def _group_bin(self, step=8): for c in range(self._shape[0]): for e in range(self._shape[1]): self._lut[c][e] = (e // self.step) * self.step def _offset(self): for c in range(self._shape[0]): for e in range(self._shape[1]): aux = (int(e) + self.offset) % 256 self._lut[c][e] = np.uint8(aux) def _custom_threshold(self): """Fill range between lower and upper threshold with 255 for each channel """ lut = np.zeros(self._lut.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for c in range(lut.shape[0]): min_value = self._threshold[0][c] max_value = self._threshold[1][c] for idx, e in enumerate(min_value): for v in range(min_value[idx], max_value[idx]): lut[2 - c][v] = 255 self._lut = lut @property def threshold(self): """Set an retrieve threshold ndarray The first index indicates 0: lower threshold 1: upper threshold The second index indicates the channel The third index indicates the value """ return self._threshold @threshold.setter def threshold(self, matrix): if not isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("threshold expects a numpy ndarray as input") elif matrix.shape != self._threshold.shape: raise ValueError( "Shapes do not match, threshold expects a {} ndarray".format( self._threshold.shape ) ) self._threshold = matrix self.kernel_type = xvLut.threshold @property def kernel_type(self): return self._kernel_type @kernel_type.setter def kernel_type(self, kernel_type: xvLut): if kernel_type not in xvLut: raise ValueError("Kernel type unknown") if kernel_type == xvLut.negative: self._negative() elif kernel_type == xvLut.identity: self._identity() elif kernel_type == xvLut.binary_threshold: self._binary_threshold() elif kernel_type == xvLut.group_bin: self._group_bin() elif kernel_type == xvLut.offset: self._offset() elif kernel_type == xvLut.threshold: self._custom_threshold() elif kernel_type == xvLut.random: self._lut = np.random.randint(0, 255, self._shape, dtype=np.uint8) self._kernel_type = kernel_type self._populateLUT() def _populateLUT(self): kernel = self._lut.reshape(self._shape[0] * self._shape[1]) aux = 0 for i in range(len(kernel)): shift = (i % 4) * 8 aux = (kernel[i] << shift) + aux if ((i + 1) % 4) == 0 or (i == len(kernel) - 1): self.write(0x400 + ((i // 4) * 4), int(aux)) aux = 0
[docs] def start(self): super().start() self._populateLUT()
@property def lut(self): return self._lut @lut.setter def lut(self, lut: np.ndarray): if lut.dtype != self._lut.dtype: raise TypeError("Wrong type, expect type {}" .format(self._lut.dtype)) elif lut.shape != self._shape: raise TypeError("Wrong shape, expect shape {}".format(self._shape)) self._lut = lut self._populateLUT()
[docs]class MultiplyIP(VitisVisionIP): """Pixel-wise multiplication""" bindto = [''] def __init__(self, description): super().__init__(description=description) self._scale = 1.0
[docs] def start(self): super().start() self.write(0x20, _float2int(self.scale))
@property def scale(self): """Scale value Each pixel is multiplied by this scale value """ return self._scale @scale.setter def scale(self, scale): if not isinstance(scale, (int, float)): raise ValueError("scale should be int or float") elif scale < 0: raise ValueError("scale cannot be negative") self._scale = float(scale) self.write(0x20, _float2int(self.scale))